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H. Leon Raper



Film Dance Competition

Hamburg Gets the "Jitters"

(Nov. 1952, Paramount Newsreel)
German International Jitterbug Competition.

Harvest Moon Ball

(Silent Film, about 0:20 min)

Harvest Moon Ball

(Silent Film, about 1:45 min)

Harvest Ball in Manhattan

(Sept. 12, 1951, Paramount Newsreel)
Jitterbug competition at Madison Square Garden.

Harvest Moon Ball

(Aug. 30, 1939, Paramount Newsreel)
Shag and Lindy Hop.

Harvest Moon Ball

(Aug. 29, 1941, Paramount Newsreel)
Pick dance champs and a couple does the Lindy Hop.

Harvest Moon Ball

(Sept. 19, 1949, Pathe Newsreel)
Jitterbug contest at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Harvest Moon Ball

(Sept. 18, 1950, Pathe Newsreel)
Charleston and Jitterbug competition, Madison Square Garden.

Harvest Moon Ball

(Sept. 12, 1951, Paramount Newsreel)
Jitterbug competition, Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Harvest Moon Ball

(Sept. 6 & 7, 1955, Paramount Newsreel)
Jitterbug competition, Madison Square Garden.

Harvest Moon Madness

(Sept. 17, 1951, Pathe Newsreel)
Jitterbugs at 17th Annual Harvest Moon Ball at Madison Square Garden.

Jitterbug Jamboree

(1938, Short Subject, Vitaphone, Sound)
Shag dancers from the Harvest Moon Ball Competition.

News of 1938

(Film Short at Harvest Moon Ball with Benny Goodman and his Orchestra - an excellent work for dance study)

Pony Boy

(Nov. 19, 1937, Short Subject, 1 reel, RKO Radio, Sound)
Shag Dance winners from the Harvest Moon Ball.

Readin', Ritin', and Rhythm

(Feb. 16, 1939, Short Subject, RKO Radio, Sound)
Eight Raggle Taggles, winners of the New Jersey Jitterbug contest.

Spirit of the Dance

(Sept. 8, 1948, Paramount Newsreel)
Jitterbug competition at the Harvest Moon Ball at Madison Square Garden.

'World Series' Dance Has New York Swinging

(Sept. 1938, Paramount Newsreel)
Shag and Lindy Hop competition, Harvest Moon Ball.

'World Series' of the Dance

(Sept. 6, 1946, Paramount Newsreel)
Jitterbug competition, Harvest Moon Ball at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

"World Series" of the Dance

(Sept. 14, 1949, Paramount Newsreel)
Harvest Moon Ball at Madison Square Garden.
Harlem Jitterbugging couples.

"World Series" of the Dance

(Sept. 9, 1953, Paramount Newsreel)
Jitterbug competition, Harvest Moon Ball at Madison Square Garden.

"World Series" of the Dance

(Sept. 8, 1954, Paramount Newsreel)
Jitterbug competition, Harvest Moon Ball.

Technical Stuff


H. Leon Raper

